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East Sussex Scenes

East Sussex Scenes

8" X  5" app

 Wind blown tree Birling Gap
Sunset Birling Gap
Eastbourne Sea front

A3 app

A3 app

A3 app

Wind blown tree Birling Gap

Eastbourne Sea front

Sunset Birling Gap

Rellue Spain
Rellue main street

All these A3 app

Rellue main street

Rellue, Spain

Rellue early morning

Rellue early morning

East Dean Sussex

8" x 5" app

East Dean Sussex

Watercolor paintings of a beautiful part of England in early autumn sunshine. A great idea for that present!

All these for sale £150 + £15 p&p for A3 £175 + £25 p&p framed Beech with cream mount £70 8"x 5"

Overlooking East Dean evening

A3 app

Overlooking East Dean evening

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